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Our Story…
Paolozzi Restaurant & Bar is a partnership between Edinburgh Beer Factory and Gino Stornaiuolo, Scots-Italian restaurateur and former DJ. We showcase freshly brewed, local beers, Italian Scottish dishes, Eduardo Paolozzi art works and fresh music playlists.
Eduardo Paolozzi was born in Leith, Edinburgh, to Italian immigrant parents in 1924. He went on to launch the Pop Art movement and become a globally influential artist in collage, screenprinting and sculpture. Transforming overlooked, everyday objects into works of art, Paolozzi’s approach was summed up in his idea of revealing the ‘sublime in the everyday’.
Inspired by this philosophy, Edinburgh Beer Factory launched in 2015 with their flagship beer, ‘Paolozzi’ lager. They have since expanded their ‘Paolozzi’ beer series, all of which feature artworks by Eduardo, and make a charitable donation to the Paolozzi Foundation for every beer sold.
We hope you have a delicious experience here and leave as a fan of one of Scotland’s great unsung heroes!
Paolozzi Restaurant & Bar is a joint venture between Edinburgh Beer Factory and Gino Stornaiuolo.
With Italian Scottish food, freshly brewed beer and iconic artwork, we’re celebrating ‘Father of Pop Art’ and local hero, Eduardo Paolozzi.